The beating of Members of the TNI, Anies Will Call the UPT Parking matter

 DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan plans to summon the DKI Jakarta Technical Management Unit (UPT) regarding the beating of TNI members by parking attendants in the Cibubur area, East Jakarta. The attack allegedly triggered the attack on Ciracas Police Headquarters on Tuesday.

"I will specifically call UPT Parking, for us to be able to control the transportation so that there are no problems," Anies said in Central Jakarta on Wednesday.
Anies conveyed the calling of the UPT Parking at the same time to conduct a study of parking locations in the Jakarta area.

"We review what needs to be regulated, we will order it," he said.
Regarding the destruction of a number of facilities at Ciracas Police, Anies said the DKI Provincial Government had participated in the process of cleaning debris at the scene.

"We are involved in the process of cleaning debris there," Anies said.
Anies said, he did not want to comment on the burning of Ciracas Police Headquarters because the incident had become a legal event so that it became the authority of law enforcement officials.

An unknown number of people came to Mapolsek Ciracas on Tuesday. They damaged the Police Headquarters and set it on fire.

Police suspect the mob raided Mapolsek to make sure the perpetrators of beating up members of the TNI that occurred on Monday, were then detained.
The police have not yet determined the suspect in the event of the burning of the Police Headquarters. But, the police have arrested one of four people suspected of beating members of the TNI.


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